If you’re involved in an auto collision, there is a risk that you could have your eyes damaged. There are several serious eye injuries that could have a permanent impact on your ability to use your eyes in the future. If you believe that your eyes have been injured,...
Honeoye Personal Injury Law Blog
Stay safe as you travel in Rochester
It’s the reality that many drivers don’t pay attention to the pedestrians on or around the roads where they are. For that reason, it is sometimes the case that fewer people walk than otherwise would. They know it’s dangerous, so they avoid putting themselves in...
Do you need witnesses for your New York will?
If you take the time and exert the energy to create a will, then you want the documents to hold up under legal scrutiny after you die. Your will ensures that your executor and the New York probate courts understand what you want to happen with your property or who you...
3 life events that prompt estate planning or updates
Some people think of estate planning as a necessity for those getting ready to retire. It is certainly true that those approaching retirement age need to take a careful look at their financial circumstances and think about the future. However, estate planning is not...
Understanding the impact of paraplegia
If you or someone you love is involved in a serious car accident and have suffered a spinal cord injury, then you may be living with paraplegia. Paraplegia is when the lower half of the body is affected by paralysis. This affects the ability to walk. Paraplegia is not...
Construction workers have rights when equipment fails at work
Construction is a relatively dangerous profession. There are a million things that can go wrong, from safety equipment failing while you work at significant elevations to a co-worker coming to the job site while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Of all of the...
Drivers texting at intersections could cause major wrecks
The desire to stay in constant contact contributes to the risk everyone has the modern New York roads. Many people struggle with compulsive mobile phone use and will have a hard time ignoring incoming text messages or emails while driving. Some people try to stay...
Staffing issues can lead to dangerous falls in nursing homes
Many older adults happily live independently until something makes it clear that their arrangements aren't safe. Often, it is a fall that alerts family members to the needs of an older adult. Older adults are at significantly elevated risk for severe injuries and...
Are businesses at fault for winter slip-and-falls on sidewalks?
Winter can be a harsh and unsafe season in the Rochester area. Snow can come in quick and heavy, making the roads unsafe in the morning. Snow accumulation and melt that then freezes makes sidewalks unsafe for pedestrians. Even when you have great winter boots, you...
How New York’s construction fall laws work
Construction workers know of the dangers that they face on the job. They think of them virtually every time they climb an unstable ladder, stretch to reach something they're working on because there's a mobile platform or work without a net to catch objects (or...