If you or someone you love is involved in a serious car accident and have suffered a spinal cord injury, then you may be living with paraplegia. Paraplegia is when the lower half of the body is affected by paralysis. This affects the ability to walk.
Paraplegia is not something that can be cured in most cases, especially if the spinal cord has been badly damaged or severed. However, there are treatments that may help minimize the severity of the condition and help someone learn to live with it.
Immediate medical treatment after a car crash
If you are involved in a car crash and have symptoms of a spinal cord injury, getting medical treatment as quickly as possible could help minimize the risk of a spinal cord injury worsening or causing paraplegia in some cases.
After an injury to the spinal cord, there will be swelling and other issues to treat. Sometimes, minimizing the inflammation or going through surgery to correct damage to the spinal column or spinal cord could be enough to allow for some amount of healing to occur. Early treatment will also minimize the risk of further complications, such as damaging more of the spinal cord because of trying to walk or use it when it’s injured.
Post-injury treatments can help you learn to live with paraplegia
If you do have paraplegia and paralysis that affects the lower body, you may still have some sensation. You may also be completely numb. Depending on the severity of your case, treatments like the following may help you learn to live with your injury or help avoid complications:
- Surgery to improve mobility or health
- Receiving mobility device support, such as a wheelchair or powered scooter
- Going through physical therapy
- Going through occupational therapy
- Taking medications to help with pain or muscle tension
While the condition itself may not be reversible, some people do see improvements. Since this is considered to be a lifelong condition, it’s important to know that many people do live full lives even with paraplegia. Support like financial compensation from the at-fault driver and therapy to help you learn to live with this condition can help you as you move forward.